Garden Blog
13 April 2022

At the time of writing the walk around the horseshoe drive is illuminated by cream and yellow daffodils and tiny celandines and inside the main garden more daffodils stud the ground. The woodland is edged by purple and white fritillaries and the cherry laurels marking the approach to our famous Walpole oak are in the bloom with their white upright flowers set against the glossy green leaves.

In the woods, a woodpecker can be heard tactlessly drilling into our 250-year-old oak but it refuses to show itself. Another elusive but very noisy bird is the great tit with its persistent call of “teacher, teacher”. The usual suspects – the magpies and the parakeets are not nearly so shy! We were very lucky to escape relatively unscathed by the high winds in February. Talking of trees, we are very excitedly waiting for the arrival of a couple of elm trees bred to resist the dreaded Dutch elm disease – more in a later blog!

Closer to the House, the Community Garden has a fine display of spring bulbs. On a fine day you can enjoy these sitting outside the café having earned your coffee and cake after your walk round the grounds! But even if it is wet, the café is welcoming, and you can share the space with our over-wintering orange trees – one or two are even in blossom!

Soon it will be “lilac-tide” as Horace Walpole called it – he particularly loved sweet smelling shrubs and always tried to be at Strawberry Hill at this time of the year.

As a footnote, we need to replace our blighted box plant edging in the Priors Garden at the front of the House. We are researching possibilities such as thyme, prostrate rosemary or sea thrift. Any suggestions in keeping with the period are welcome.

Written by Carole Tucker, Volunteer


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